Create AWS Cloudwatch metric alerts with Lumigo
You can now use Lumigo to easily create AWS Cloudwatch alarms and get notified in real-time in Slack, PagerDuty, and other tools when services like DynamoDB and SQS experience issues.
With Lumigo's new Cloudwatch metric alerts you'll no longer have to create alerts one-by-one in CloudWatch, and instead can configure multiple alerts at the same time, in just a few clicks. You can define dimensions and thresholds directly from the alert page, and setup notifications to your workflow tools without any need to integrate Cloudwatch manually.
To create a CloudWatch metric alert, go to the Alerts page and:
- Select CloudWatch Metric as the Alert Type
- Select the AWS Region and namespace
- Select the AWS metric and dimensions
- Define the alert criteria: stat, threshold, and evaluation period
- Define the notification preferences: channels and frequency
Once submitting the alert, Lumigo then creates the corresponding Alarms in CloudWatch.
The documentation about creating CloudWatch metric alerts with Lumigo is available here.
P.S. Ensure your IAM role includes the following permissions, or go to Settings > AWS and update to the latest IAM role.
{ "Effect" : "Allow", "Action": [ "cloudwatch:PutMetricAlarm", "cloudwatch:DeleteAlarms", ], "Resources": "*" }